Waiver & Consent

By agreeing to the following waiver set out by Cumbria Golf Simulators, you agree that you do not suffer from any illnesses/injuries/allergies/medical conditions.

You also agree that you are not currently on any medication.

If you do suffer from any illnesses/injuries/allergies/medical conditions, or if you are currently on medication, you agree to let us know by emailing info@ cumbriagolfsimulators.co.uk along with your order number so we can make any necessary arrangements prior to your arrival for your booking.
You consent to take part in activities at Cumbria Golf Simulators. In providing your consent you declare that you understand that Cumbria Golf Simulators takes all appropriate precautions to prevent accidents but golfing activities by their very nature are not completely risk free – for example being hit by a golf ball or a club accidentally.

You the customer of Cumbria Golf Simulators will take all steps to avoid accidents or damage to our property – for example any practice swings must take place within the simulator area. Anything that Cumbria Golf Simulators deems as reckless behaviour that leads to damage by the customer will be charged to the customer.

You confirm that you have understand these terms, and that you are sufficiently physically fit and healthy to take part in golfing activities.

You consent that in the event of any illness/accident that any treatment can be administered to you.

You also agree to follow any safety rules set out by Cumbria Golf Simulators for your own safety.

You are responsible for any under 18s in your party and you give them consent to take part in any Golfing activities at Cumbria Golf Simulators.